Mrigendra Raj Shares His Writing Journey In A Candid Talk With GCPA
Mrigendra Raj , the 13-year-old writer, recently had an exclusive interview with Global Child Prodigy under Prodigy Talks . The renowned Entrepreneur, Educationalist, and Humanitarian, Mr. Kavin Kumar Kandasamy , hosted the talk. He is also the Managing Director of Mangalam Educational Institutions. Mr. Kavin’s institutions serve more than 7000 students every year. Join us as we take you through the excerpts from Mrigendra Raj’s interview. Mrigendra Raj, How Are You? Tell Us A Little About Yourself I am good, sir. My name is Mrigendra Raj, and I am 13-years-old. I am from Ayodhya, India. I am in eighth grade. Till now, I have written more than 250 books, and I hold six world records . When Did All This Start? I started writing poems at the age of five. Then, I began writing books also. My first world record was registered at the age of six when my first book was published. It is Udbhav , a compilation of my poems. After that, I con...